Frequent Ask Questions (FAQ)

How do I know where Smash Bing is?

Follow us on Instagram @hongkiebase.mel . We updates the story everyday about the location and opening hour! Keep in touch :)

Can I pay with EFTPOS?

We do have Eftpos.

Do you have Public Holiday Surcharge?

No, we do not have a Public Holiday Surcharge so far.

Will you be closed on the Public Holidays?

Our opening hour is identical to the opening hour of the Queen Victoria Market (QVM). Which we would open in most of the public holidays.

Opening Hour:

Sat-Sun: 9am - 4pm

What if we cannot find you in Shed C&D in QVM?

Due to the request from the QVM. We may shift between sheds. However, our primary spot is shed C&D. Else we maybe at Shed E, which is not far from the primary position.

Why don't you sell Ice-cream in Queen Victoria Market?

Food traders have to obtain permission for their menu to trade in QVM. Unfortunately, we do not have permission to sell ice-cream or other products in QVM. However, we will still sell them in other sites :)

Can't find what you're looking for?

Direct Message us via instagram @smashbing_melbourne !!

We will get back to you within 3 business days :)